I have taught college-level writing-intensive courses for the last six years. I have an excellent rapport with young people, and I enjoy helping them improve their written communication while maintaining their distinctive 'voices.'

I offer one-on-one coaching and intensive boot-camp style group sessions. Please contact me for more information.

Student feedback

Comparing my writing today with my writing prior to taking this course, I see a vast improvement that is almost surreal.
- Undergraduate, Writing for the Media, University of St. Thomas

Dr. Peterson was my favorite professor for the semester. She does a really great job of helping you develop as a writer.
- Undergraduate, First-year Writing-Intensive Seminar, Rice University

Dr. Peterson's progress evaluations and one-on-one meetings with the students really help you grow and develop as a stronger writer.
- Undergraduate, First-year Writing-Intensive Seminar, Rice University